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Change the way you FEEL about exercise

Change the way you feel about exercise


Change the way you FEEL. I used the word feel instead of think. Our bodies think with our emotions. That is okay! Quick story for you.

I train all kinds of people, women, men, kids, all shapes, and athletic abilities. My question to them after their workout is always “How does your mind feel?”

At first, I would get this “what do you mean look” but as they are absorbing this question, the light bulb goes off. Then they get it! Yes, our body feels amazing, but their mind feels accomplished and strong as well. Mind first then body! Let us talk about why exercise is important and let us overcome our excuses.

Why is Exercise important

For most people they want to exercise to lose the most amount of weight in the less amount of time. Let us not be in a hurry, lets learn more about the fundamental of exercise. Exercise has so many more benefits. Exercising 30 minutes 3 to 4 days a week will help up lift your mood. It helps manage your blood sugar and insulin levels. When you sweat you are detoxing your body and your pores. But did you know exercise continues to keep your mind working, learning new things will help you become sharper to make healthier decisions in life. When your mind is healthy and determined YOU WILL see and feel yourself melting away the pounds.

My favorite reason to exercise.

At first when I started my journey it was for weight loss. I used to crash and burn. I had no balance, I got bored quickly. But when I kept the mind over matter mentality and dropped the excuses. Exercise did much more for me. My favorite reason why I exercise is everything I have accomplished becoming a better person for myself, my family, and my community, I am confident, organized, stronger mind and body. The energy I feel daily helps me work harder as a mom and career women. I continue to make plans and goals. My journey is not over, it is just beginning. Do you want to feel this way too? Let us throw away the excuses today!

Top 4 excuses I have heard for reasons not to exercise?

1. I am scared and embarrassed

2. No timed

3. I am a busy career mom

4. I need to lose weight before I come to the gym

Solution to combat excuses.

1. It is normal to be scared to take that first step to become more active and to be healthier. It is not easy. The first day I walked into the gym, I was absolutely mortified. I weighed 320 pounds, I felt as everybody was staring at me and judging me. By the way, they are not. Its all-in your head and we need to change that! Also, I did not know the first steps on what I should do, the machines scared me! How do we overcome these insane feelings? Here are some things you should have before you even walk through those doors of the gym or start your in-home workout, A PLAN and A GOAL! It could be 20 minutes on the bike, or a brisk walk on a trail. Make sure you have a way of tracking your progress. Track your food, track your exercise and you will not only FEEL your results you will start to see it on paper, and in the mirror. With determination, discipline and finding that support group and exercise that you love you are on your way to living a much happier and healthier lifestyle. Keep trying new things. Keep it fresh, if one thing is not working for you. Try, Try again. WHAT WORKS for someone else may not WORK FOR YOU! It is all about you right now! Not the person next to you. You do NOT have to go balls to the wall with high intensity workouts! Especially if you are new to the workout world. Persistence pays off. Small changes make huge results. Life is a marathon not a race.

2. Time??? Okay I may lose a few readers over this. Time??? You do not have time? But you have time for social media, playing candy crush, or always tired. Well your tired because you are not moving. When you move more, you gain more energy, it is a proven fact. You are telling me you cannot find 20 to 30 minutes of the day just for you, your family will be okay if dinner is a little late. Wake up 15 minutes earlier and go to sleep 15 minutes later. That 30 minutes will change your life! Believe me.

3. This is a second part to number two. Too busy…….at first, I would get offended by this excuse. When women would say to me “I am a mom, I work… BLAH BLAH BLAH}, I felt like less of a mom, and career women. Like I was being put down. As if I was putting my life and career on the back burner to be healthy. But that was not the case, I was making myself healthier to maximize my life and career. Today one of my goals and passion is to help the busy career mom. We do not need to feel guilty if we take time for ourselves for self-care. We need to stop thinking we are not worthy enough to give ourselves 30 minutes a day.

4. Wait what??? Guess what? I used this excuse A LOT! NO, NO, NO! We do not lose weight before we go workout. First, we work out to be healthy and gain our life back! Go back to the main reason why we work out! For our minds! If you are thinking to yourself every day, I need to lose weight, you are going to get nothing done. Stop putting yourself down! Say to yourself, I will feel better if I go for a walk, bike ride or whatever you choose it will make your mind feel better! When you get it done, you feel “that feeling” it becomes a part of your life and you will never want to lose that. Change your mind change your life!

Tips to help you along the way

Make a plan, track your plan, exclude the mindless time eating activities in your life, and lastly, I cannot express this enough, GET YOUR FAMILY INVOLVED.

When you are tired and want to cheat yourself of your workout, skipping your walk, that last squat or jumping jack, look at your sweat puddle on the floor. Say to yourself give me one more! -Tami Peddigree-

Tami Peddigree

The Curvy Mermaid LLC

Owner of Drum-Late`

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Drumlate_fitness on IG

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