One size does not fit all! So why are we still riding that same roller coaster over and over of losing weight, gaining weight, lets get off the wagon on what we truly strive for in life.....happiness, health and self worth. IT IS TIME TO BE DIFFERENT! NOW IS THE TIME TO BE YOU!

I am not your "NORMAL" fitness professional, and Drum-Late` and Gluteousmaxed is not your normal workout. Get access to all my new videos, cardio, booty building, lifting, with so much more to look forward to.

Are you a busy person who is on the go? On this site you will get food prepping ideas, quick, easy and healthy menu ideas! Not to mention! I will teach YOU how to eat healthy on a little budget and how to create less waste!

Listen to my podcast and read my blogs FOR FREE! Schedule one on one accountability coaching, learning how to overcome challenges and create a more scheduled life style to suit yours.

Please feel free to contact me by email. Or alternatively fill in the form below, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.